Advice For women in business

As a female business owner myself, I get asked a lot about how to get started with building your own company and what the keys to success are. I still am learning new things every single day, but I thought I would outline a few of the most important things I have learned in my journey so far. No matter what area of business you are in or exploring, I feel these items are all necessary  to be the most successful and fulfilled in what you do. 

  1. Put your “why” at the forefront of what you do every single day 
    Having a strong “why” is not only what will cause people to want to get behind your business, but will also lead you along a path of fulfillment. Think of your why with each decision you make and never lose sight of that. 

2. No amount of money can buy you happiness 
If you do something or start a business just because of the financial gain it could potentially bring, it’s never ever going to truly fulfill you. If you have the opportunity to do something, make it purposeful, whatever that means to you. For example:  A) you’re good at B) you get to make other people’s lives better in some way C) it brings you joy or fills your soul. If you can create something that is purposeful, then you will have something money simply cannot buy.

3. Be the hardest worker in the room 
I will say this until the day I die! I truly believe you can do anything in the world that you want to do as long as you’re giving it your 100% heart and attention. Whatever dream you have, you CAN get there. It might take working every single day for years but you have to be willing to fight for it and not lose sight of that why! 

4. Put egos aside 
Sometimes it’s really hard to find the balance of putting your “business first” or your “I’m human” hat on. Being level headed and taking emotion out of your decision making may be the best thing for your career! 

5. Imposter syndrome is fake (ironically)
Especially as women, we tend to never feel good enough, smart enough, equipped enough. And the room will definitely let you know. Be aware of the thoughts that come up when you start to feel imposter syndrome, acknowledge it, but know that you are here for a reason. Never ever let anybody tell you differently. YOU DID THIS!!! 

6. Keep your product/service in high demand
Do you ever feel like when you’re making reservations to a restaurant and it’s impossible to get in, that you want to go even more? OR when a clothing item is sold out or gone, you start feeling fomo? That demand is a strong driver for consumers. Controlling your growth to maintain that demand is playing the long game really really well. Slow and controlled growth is key - remember this when things are going very well! 

7. Listen to your gut - it is ALWAYS right 
Sometimes it’s easy to have a million people in your corner as a sounding board. It makes you feel like you’re validating what the best next move is. But let me tell you, most the time, you know deep down with the right answer is. Trust it. 

8. Know your strengths, outsource the rest
It’s OK to not be good at every single thing. 

9. When hiring, it’s not all about the resume 
Are they passionate about what they do? What’s their character like? Are they a team player? How do they talk about their previous employer? Do their values align with the company? Just because somebody looks better on paper than the other candidate, doesn’t mean they’re a better fit for the job. At the end of the day, you can’t teach someone something like having great character.

10. Your business will eat you alive if you let it
Set boundaries. Know when to put it away for the day. Are you happy with where you’re at and does it feel like you’re always wanting more more more? Be proud of how far you have come and know that having a good work/life balance will be better for your happiness in the long run (for most of us at least hehe).

I hope these tips are helpful to you and resonate with you in some way! Even if you are not an entrepreneur I think they are all important things to keep in mind within business in general. At the end of the day, I hope you just know that you can achieve anythingggggg you put your mind to. Never let anyone tell you that you “can’t”, and if you are pursuing something that you are truly passionate about, you will feel so fulfilled.
Until next time!