6 Month Update: Milestones, What I’ve Learned & More!

Wow… 6 months?!?! It is truly unreal how fast and slow time has gone all at the same time. Every single day there is something new that Dallas is doing and it is SO fun and exciting. I also feel like my confidence in trusting my mom instincts grows each and everyday. In terms of milestones, in the time between 5 and 6 months I would say he’s hit a ton! More than any other month so far! His personality and communication has really started to shine, as well as his physical milestones. We have really loved month 5 so far (he will be 6 months on 10/4), so if you have a little one around that age you have some fun things to look forward to!!

Here are all the things to update you on Dallas these past 6 months!! :) 


  • Dallas is rolling like a rolly polly- front to back and back to front!

  • Starting to scoot himself forward 

  • Stands with support 

  • Says “mama” !!!!??? Very rarely right now but still! Sorry Steve hehe.

  • Getting on a more consistent sleep routine 

  • Falls asleep for naps in 5 minutes (when he was younger it would sometimes take an hour on the really hard days so this has been amazing)

  • Has better night sleep (still waking up 1-2 times a night to eat. The boy can EATTTT)

  • Laughs like none other!! His little laugh is my favorite thing in the world.

  • He’s also starting to really like the dogs which is SO cute!

What I have learned:

I have learned SO much more than I could have ever imagined in these first 6 months as a new mom. As a first time mom, their firsts are also your firsts, so every day is a new journey and a new opportunity to learn and grow. Here’s some of the biggest things I’ve learned so far:

  • Patience. This can be really hard some days, but as a parent patience it truly key. Hard things will be thrown at you every single day, but you have to learn to just pivot and be patient through it all.

  • Calmness. I used to be a super go-go-go person, but as a new mom I am really starting to slow down in life, be still, and enjoy the present more than ever. Being present with Dallas is really THE most important thing to me recently.

  • How much I need to put the phone down as much as I can. Even though I work mainly on my phone, I’ve learned to be more aware of it when he’s around me)

  • How to function on little sleep 🙃. Not an ideal learning lesson but that’s mom life lol

  • To be extremely efficient with my time. Mom’s truly don’t get enough credit…there’s so much to get done in a day and so little time!! But I’ve definitely learned how to be more efficient to get everything done and still have time for myself and to be with Dallas.

  • Feeling more empowered that my gut and instincts as a mom are always right. Follow that feeling and stay confident!!! 

Favorite memories:

Every single day with Dallas is so special, but these are some of my very favorite memories from his first 6 months…

  • When I was doing my make-up, I turned around and he was scooting himself across the floor! I couldn’t believe my eyes lol. Looks like the “staying where you left them” days are over for us! 

  • His fun little gym class. It’s awesome to see him interact with the other babies and he learns something new each week! 

  • Starting to get consistent with solids. It’s so cute watching him learn a HUGE skill like that! 

  • Getting so excited for each bath at night. Bath time is truly my favorite part of our day.

  • Watching him learn to have fun like scream and laugh and kick around! (The man is wild hahah!)

What been harder than expected:

  • SLEEP. That’s the absolute hardest thing we went/are going through. To get a full nights sleep is something we are super foreign to right now but we know to stay patient - that time will come! (Check out my 4 month sleep regression blog here)

  • Dealing with mom guilt. Going back to work and not feeling guilty having my mom help me has been hard!

At the end of the day, becoming a mom is the best chapter of my life so far. Being a mom is the coolest thing in the world and I’m so grateful God has me on this journey. ❤️ These 6 months with Dallas have been the best ever and I cannot wait to continue watching him grow every single day and sharing our journey with all of you!!



How We Got Our Baby To Start Sleeping


My Current Skincare Routine