My Experience with TMJ Pain

and How I Have Found relief



What is TMJ?

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint. For me personally, pain to the joints and muscles in that area has been caused by grinding my teeth at night. Over time, the muscles in my jaw became super strong and prominent from grinding so they also changed the appearance of my face, making it look more squared (see “before” photo above).

My Symptoms…

I know TMJ pain can look a bit different from person to person, but for me I had a lot of pain in my jaw muscles right when I would wake up in the morning. The pain would cause me to have awful headaches, and it would also be painful to eat due to the clicking in my jaw. I know other symptoms that people can experience from TMJ include dizziness, pain in the upper back/neck, and dental issues.

How I relieved my TMJ pain…

My TMJ pain got to a point where it was unbearable, so I started getting botox in my jaw and it has relieved my symptoms AND drastically changed the appearance of my face. Although the structure of my face was not my priority when finding relief from my TMJ pain, it has definitely been an added bonus, as my face shape is a bit more feminine than before now that the jaw muscles have loosened up. I also use a nightguard at night to help prevent grinding a bit. 

Jaw Botox FAQs…

Q: How often do you have to get it? 
A: I go in every 4-5 months, but it can differ from person to person 

Q: How many units do you get? 
A: I get about 25-30 units of botox on each side. Your jaw is an incredibly strong muscle so it takes a lot more to help those loosen up. 

Q: Where do you go to get it?
I personally go to a medical spa in Denver (Angel Aesthetics)! I know you can also go to your dentist though. I would just do your research and make sure you are going to someone who you feel is experienced and trustworthy

Q: Does insurance cover it?
Unfortunately my insurance does not cover botox :/ but i have heard some people say that theirs does!

Q: How long until you got relief from the pain and started seeing changes in your facial structure?
A: I noticed relief from the pain about 3-4 weeks after going in for my first time. However, it took a lot longer for my actual face structure to change…I would say you could see a big difference after about 1 year of getting botox in my jaw. 

That  covers everything! Hopefully this was helpful for you guys if you’re also struggling with TMJ pain! I know botox is a super expensive option, but it has been SO worth it for me and I have not experienced any negative side effects. But definitely do your research and talk with your dentist to determine what would be best for you!! Sending you all so much love going into the new week!! 

-xoxo, Tay